Please choose from a category below to get started OR use the Search Bar to find what you’re looking for. If you are unable to find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to open a Support Ticket and we’ll reply to it as soon as possible. A link to open a new ticket is included on every article we have published as well as a dedicated page here titled Support Tickets with the link to open a new ticket.
Popular Topics
Account Portal
The Account Portal is where you will manage your contact details, payment methods, invoices, list of domains and services and order new services or open a support ticket when needed.
Astra’s easy to use Firewall includes many useful features to allow you to tailor it to your website. Take a look at various features and learn how to implement them for your website(s).
Research everything from how to register new domains or transfer domains you own to us. This section includes many articles to show you how to maintain and renew your domains and perform functions such as adding DNS records or updating your contact information so you do not miss renewal reminders.
If you have a VPS (Virtual Private Server) with WHM / cPanel for your control panel, you’re in the right place. We have a large collection of tutorials to help you explore and use the features of WHM to manage your server.
Our Help Center serves as a place to find quick answers to many of your questions. However, if you need our assistance, please reach out by opening a Support Ticket through your Account and we’ll be happy to help you out.
Billing and Sales Support
If you have questions about your account (invoices, charges, etc) or need assistance placing an order, please open a ticket or you may call us. Our Billing and Sales team is available by phone 7am - 7pm MST 7 days a week.
Transfer to Evolve
Ready to transfer your website(s) and/or domains to Evolve Web Hosting?