If you need to import a .sql file into an existing database, follow these steps.
Login to your cPanel Account
If you have already created a new database, skip to step 3. Otherwise, you will first need to Create a new Database
Navigate to the Databases section and click on phpMyAdmin
cPanel Databases Section
Once the new browser tab or window opens, locate your database from the left side vertical menu and click on it.
Go to the Structure tab and make sure the database is empty before proceeding.
Click on the Import tab and then select your .sql file from your local hard drive. Generally, leave all of the preset options unless you have a specific use case and are an advanced user.
cPanel phpMyAdmin Import Screen
Start the import.
phpMyAdmin does have a size upload constraint of 2MB. If your database file is too large to import through phpMyAdmin, please open a ticket for Technical Support and we will be happy to import this for you. Please upload your .sql file to the /home/cpanel-username/ directory and in the ticket, let us know the full database name to import the file into.