Published on: 02/09/2023 | Updated on: 01/31/2025 | Reading Time: 4 minutes
cPanel Password and Security
In order to change your cPanel password directly in cPanel, you will need to know your current cPanel password.
If you have a Shared Web Hosting plan, you can change your cPanel password through our portal. Details are outlined further down this page to update your cPanel password through our portal. cPanel password reset for Shared Web Hosting
Once you are logged in, locate Preferences section (shown below) or click the User icon near the upper right corner of your screen and click Password & Security from the drop down menu.
cPanel Preferences Section
Click on Password & Security and you will see the screen shown below
cPanel Password and Security Screen
You will need to enter the following to reset your password:
Old Password
Enter your old (current) password
New Password
Generate a new, strong and unique password. We suggest using the password generator and store it in a safe place such as a password manager. Do not reuse the same password for multiple logins. This is a compromise to your security.
New Password (Again)
Enter the new password again to verify it’s accurate and going to be set to your desired new password.
Enable Digest Authentication (optional)
Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, and Windows® 8 require Digest Authentication support to be enabled in order to access your Web Disk over a clear text/unencrypted connection. If the server has an SSL certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority and you are able to make an SSL connection over port 2078, you do not need to enable this.
Click Change your password now! and you will be automatically logged out. You can then log back in using your new password.
We do require a minimum password strength of 80
We require you to update your cPanel and Webmail password atleast once every 365 days
Webmail = each of your email account passwords
Navigate to the list of your services by either clicking the Services link from the dashboard or go to Services > My Services within the navigation menu. You will see a screen similar to the one shown below.
List of your actives services in the Evolve Web Hosting portal
From here, click anywhere on the row to open the service details page, shown below.
cPanel Service details screen in the Evolve Web Hosting portal
From the screen shown above, click Change Control Panel Password from the link in the left vertical menu. You will see the screen shown below.
Change your cPanel password screen
Enter a new password, confirm it and click Save Changes. You will be logged out of cPanel and then asked to login using your new password.
We do require a minimum password strength of 80
We require you to update your cPanel and Webmail password atleast once every 365 days
Webmail = each of your email account passwords
If you do not know your current cPanel password, you can login to WHM (Web Host Manager) as the root user and then follow these steps:
Login to WHM (Web Host Manager)
Click on List Accounts from the WHM Dashboard
Locate the cPanel account you want to update the password for and click the + symbol next to it. The section of the screen will appear as shown below
Change a cPanel Account Password in WHM (Web Host Manager)
Enter a new password and click Change
Enable Digest Authentication (optional)
Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, and Windows® 8 require Digest Authentication support to be enabled in order to access your Web Disk over a clear text/unencrypted connection. If the server has an SSL certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority and you are able to make an SSL connection over port 2078, you do not need to enable this.