DirectAdmin Hosting Control Panel
If your web hosting plan uses DirectAdmin you are in the right place for help. Take a look at our extensive documentation to see how to perform many common tasks within the control panel.
If you are logging in as a User the login URL is
(replace with your actual domain name)
If you are logging in as an Admin (if you have a VPS), the login URL is either server-ip-address:2222
or if you have an SSL certifificate for the server, it’s generally
(replace with your actual domain name)
If you have a VPS (Virtual Private Server), you were provided with login credentials as the Admin of the server when you ordered your server. The Admin privileges give you full access to the server and all of the functions included.
Securely store your login credentials and do not share with anyone
For more information on Admin functions you can perform, click the links from the menu.
- Tip
- If you are a past WHM / cPanel user, you can think of the DirectAdmin Admin as equal to the WHM root user
Whether you have a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a Shared Hosting plan with DirectAdmin, you will have User login credentials. Use the links to the left of your screen to navigate the various functions you can use to maximize your experience.
Securely store your login credentials
- Tip
- If you are a past cPanel user, you can think of the DirectAdmin User as equal to a cPanel User Account