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Published on: 02/09/2023 | Updated on: 06/13/2023 | Reading Time: 4 minutes

DirectAdmin FTP Management

Create an FTP Account

To create an FTP account, start by logging in to your DirectAdmin control panel

The DirectAdmin Search function works very well and makes it very easy to locate the FTP Management page. Type FTP in the search bar and the link to the FTP Management page will appear.

If you don’t want to use the search bar for any reason, Start by clicking on FTP Management

DirectAdmin Account Manager Section
DirectAdmin Account Manager Section

The screen below will show you your main DirectAdmin FTP account and any others you have already created. For security reasons, DO NOT give out the main FTP account credentials to anyone. Always create a new FTP account for them.

If you have more than 1 domain hosted on your DirectAdmin account, look near the Top Center area of your screen. You will see one of your domain names listed in blue and it is a drop down to change the domain that you are creating an FTP account for.

To add a new FTP account, click CREATE FTP ACCOUNT

DirectAdmin List of Existing FTP Accounts
DirectAdmin List of Existing FTP Accounts

On the next screen (shown below), you have a couple of options to choose from.

Choosing this option will give the FTP user access to every file listed on this account /home/$USER/domains/domain.com
This option gives access to the following location: /home/$USER/domains/domain.com/public_ftp
Choose this option to give access to a specific folder and the folders / files within that folder Enter a username and a strong and unique password. Save this information in a secure place and click CREATE

Now you can open your favorite FTP software and enter these credentials to connect to your files on the server.

DirectAdmin Create an FTP Account Screen
DirectAdmin Create an FTP Account Screen

If you need any assistance, please submit a ticket for Technical Support

Update Existing FTP Account Password

To update the password for an existing FTP account, start by logging in to your DirectAdmin control panel

The DirectAdmin Search function works very well and makes it very easy to locate the FTP Management page. Type FTP in the search bar and the link to the FTP Management page will appear.

If you don’t want to use the Search Bar for any reason, click on FTP Management found in the Account Manager section (shown below)

DirectAdmin Account Manager Section
DirectAdmin Account Manager Section
If you have more than 1 domain hosted on your DirectAdmin account, look near the Top Center area of your screen. You will see one of your domain names listed in blue and it is a drop down to change the domain that you are creating an FTP account for.

Locate the FTP account you’d like to update the password for and click the edit icon next to it. You will see the screen below.

You can change the password and/or the access directory.

DirectAdmin Modify an Existing FTP Account Screen
DirectAdmin Modify an Existing FTP Account Screen
Choosing this option will give the FTP user access to every file listed on this account /home/$USER/domains/domain.com
This option gives access to the following location: /home/$USER/domains/domain.com/public_ftp
Choose this option to give access to a specific folder and the folders / files within that folder Enter a username and a strong and unique password. Save this information in a secure place and click CREATE

If you need any assistance, please submit a ticket for Technical Support

Delete an Existing FTP Account

The DirectAdmin Search function works very well and makes it very easy to locate the FTP Management page. Type FTP in the search bar and the link to the FTP Management page will appear.
If you have more than 1 domain hosted on your DirectAdmin account, look near the Top Center area of your screen. You will see one of your domain names listed in blue and it is a drop down to change the domain that you are creating an FTP account for.

From the FTP Accounts page shown below, click a box next to any of the additional FTP accounts and you’ll be presented with 3 options:

  1. Suspend

  2. Unsuspend (if it is already suspended)

  3. Delete

If you need any assistance, please submit a ticket for Technical Support