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Published on: 09/27/2023 | Updated on: 01/26/2024 | Reading Time: 3 minutes

DirectAdmin Create & Restore Backups

In order to access Create / Restore Backups within DirectAdmin, begin by logging in to your DirectAdmin User account

Within the menu, navigate to Advanced Features > Create / Restore Backups

The DirectAdmin Search function works very well and makes it very easy to locate the Create / Restore Backups page. Type Backup in the search bar and the link to the Create / Restore Backups page will appear.
DirectAdmin Advanced Features Section
DirectAdmin Advanced Features Section
Near the top of your screen, either leave the radio button to include all domains or selected domains. If you choose selected domains a screen will appear where you can select the domain(s) you want to backup.
DirectAdmin Backup Include - Domain Options
DirectAdmin Backup Include - Domain Options
DirectAdmin Backup Include - Select Domain(s)
DirectAdmin Backup Include - Select Domain(s)

Next, select or unselect the following options

DirectAdmin Backup Include Criteria
DirectAdmin Backup Include Criteria
Website Data
Domains Directory: Backs up all user files for all domains
Subdomains Lists: Backs up the list of subdomains for each domain
E-mail Accounts List for all domains (names and passwords)
E-mail Data: Includes the messages from the Inbox, IMAP Folders, and webmail data.
E-mail Settings: Includes the filters and the catchall address.
Forwarders: Includes all forwarding addresses.
Autoresponders: Includes all autoresponders and messages.
Vacation Messages: Includes all vacation messages and times.
Mailing Lists: Includes all mailing lists.
FTP Accounts
FTP Settings
Database Settings: Backs up all DB Users and DB Settings
Database Data
Deleted Trash Data

Click Create Backup

DirectAdmin Create Backup Button
DirectAdmin Create Backup Button

DirectAdmin will start generating the backup

You will get the notification on the registered email address once it is done.

All backups are located by going to File Manager > Backups with the DirectAdmin Control Panel.

Note: If you want to backup different data for each domain, use the include separate domains and repeat the process to create an individual backup for each domain with the specified criteria.

Restore Backup

Toward the upper right corner of the create backup screen, there is a link under your domain to go to the Restore Backup page which will take you to the screen shown below.

DirectAdmin Restore Backup Screen
DirectAdmin Restore Backup Screen

From this page, you will either see the current backups that you have created or the option to create a new backup.

If you have backups created already, you can click the link that says View current backups to see what is available to you already.

File Location in File Manager

All generated backup files are located in File Manager by going to My Files > backups

From here, you can download and/or delete backup files

You can also type in the search bar of DirectAdmin Restore Backup and once you click the link to go to the Restore Backup page you will find a button near the upper right corner of your screen that says view current backups. Click this and it will open File Manager for you.

If you need any assistance, please submit a ticket for Technical Support