Whois Data Reminder Policy (WDRP)
At least annually, we are required to send the registrant the current Whois information, and remind the registrant that provision of false Whois information can be grounds for cancellation of his domain name registration. Registrants must review their Whois data, and make any corrections.
Failure to verify your information will result in temporary suspension until you have verified it. Please click this link for additional information on how to check and update your Whois Contact Information.
The email has the subject line: The verification of your domains is required - {$domain_name}
This email is sent from the address registrant-verification@ispapi.net and it is valid
- An Important Note About a Suspended Domain
- If you happen to miss the validation email and you are using an email address @yourdomain.com that is suspended, you will need to login to the Evolve Web Hosting Portal and change the registrant email address to another email address that Does Not end @yourdomain.com (use a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc address). That way the verification email can be sent to you and received. If you’d like to update it after verification to again use an email address @yourdomain.com you may do so.
- When the box appears asking if you want to check the box and avoid the 60 day transfer lock, Do Not check the box. Checking the box means that both the current and new email address holder need to validate the change and that can not be done at this time because your domain is temporarily suspended.
If you do not see this email in your inbox, please make sure you check your junk / spam folder. ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) requires the domain owner to verify their contact details for every new domain registered within a couple of days or else they will deactivate the domain.
How to Resend the Verification Email to Yourself
Login to the Evolve Web Hosting Portal
Go to Domains > My Domains or click on the Domains icon from the Dashboard of the portal
Locate the domain that needs to be verified and click on it
The next screen will show you a notification like this one shown below
The verification email will be sent to the email address listed as the Registrant of the domain
Remember to check your spam / junk folder if you do not see it and open it to follow the directions to verify your Whois Contact Information
What Happens When the Contact Details Have not Been Verified in Time
When you visit your domain in a web browser, you will see the image below. Either complete the steps to verify or login to the Evolve Web Hosting portal and use the steps above to send the verification email to you again. As soon as it is verified, your domain will be active again.
If you have updated the Registrant Email Address and verification is not needed at this time, you will see the following response
Object status does not allow for operation; DOMAIN IS NOT PENDING REGISTRANT VERIFICATION
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please submit a ticket for our Billing Department