Whois Data
In order to perform a whois lookup, go to https://core.evolvewebhosting.com/mydomainsearch.php?action=whois and type in the domain you wish to look up. This link will tell you if the domain is available or taken and if it is taken a link is present for Whois. Click on it and a popup will appear with the domain name owner information. Note: If the domain uses privacy protection, you will be unable to see who actually owns it.
If you need to review and/or update your contact info for any of your domain names, you can do so through our portal
Once you are logged in, follow these steps:
- Either click the Domains icon from the dashboard or use the menu to go to Domains > My Domains where you will see all of your domains listed.
Choose the domain that you want to review Whois Contact Information for and click the row.
A new page will load with management options for your domain. In the left side nav, locate Update Contact Details and click on it.
- From here, you can update the Registrant (the owner of the domain), the Admin, Technical and Billing contacts.
Note: If you change the First Name, Last Name and/or Email Address for the Registrant, you are presented with 2 options:
Opt out of the ICANN 60 Day Lock - This means that the previous and new registrant will BOTH need to verify the changes by email. If either fail to verify within 7 days, the Registrant details will revert to the previous contact information.
Agree to the ICANN 60 Day Lock - You will NOT be required to have both the previous and new contact verify the changes. You will not be allowed to transfer the domain for 60 days.
If you need any assistance, please submit a ticket for our Billing Department
Start from the main list of all of your domains and check the box next to the domain(s) you’d like to update your contact information for.
Scroll back up the page and locate the button that says Edit Contact Information and click it. You will see the screen shown below and this is where you can make your changes and Save Changes once finished.
Note: If you change the First Name, Last Name and/or Email Address for the Registrant, you are presented with 2 options:
Opt out of the ICANN 60 Day Lock - This means that the previous and new registrant will both need to verify the changes by email. If either fail to verify within 7 days, the Registrant details will revert to the previous contact information.
Agree to the ICANN 60 Day Lock - You will NOT be required to have both the previous and new contact verify the changes. You will not be allowed to transfer the domain for 60 days.
If you need any assistance, please submit a ticket for our Billing Department
Please be mindful of the following ICANN Policies. As the owner of a domain, you are required to provide accurate contact information and will be required to periodically verify that the information is valid.
IRTP (Inter Registrar Transfer Policy)
WDRP (Whois Data Reminder Policy)
RAA (Registrar Accredidation Agreement)
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please submit a ticket for our Billing Department