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Published on: 08/29/2023 | Updated on: 09/28/2023 | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Disable Wordpress Plugins

Disable Plugins from your WP Admin Area

Start by navigating to your /wp-admin/ area and login through your web browser.

Using the WP admin menu, locate and navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins

On the plugins page, check the boxes next to individual or all plugins and from the drop down menu, choose Disable Selected Plugins

Disable Plugins via File Manager

Login to your Web Hosting Control Panel

Locate the File Manager and click the icon to open it

DirectAdmin File Manager

Navigate to the public_html/wp-content/plugins/ folder and from here, you can rename each plugin folder you wish to disable. For example, if you wanted to disable the Akismet plugin, you would locate the Akismet folder, click it with your mouse to select it and either right click your mouse or use the button on screen to rename it. Then, rename the folder to akismet.bk to disable it.

If you want to re enable it, just remove the .bk from the folder name.

Disable all Plugins

Either login to your Web Hosting Control panel or connect using your FTP program of choice.

Navigate to the public_html/wp-content/plugins/ folder

Select the plugins folder with your mouse and rename the folder to plugins.bk

Depending on what it is you need to accomplish, you can create a new folder called plugins to begin adding and working with plugins from scratch.

Disable Individual Plugins

Either login to your Web Hosting Control panel or connect using your FTP program of choice.

Navigate to the public_html/wp-content/plugins/ folder

Open the public_html/wp-content/plugins/ folder and locate the plugin(s) you wish to disable.

Select each plugin folder, one at a time and rename them by adding .bk to the end of the folder name.

To re enable them, remove the .bk from the folder name.

Disable Plugins via FTP

Connect using your FTP program of choice.

If you need to create an FTP account, visit the links below.

Create an FTP Account using cPanel

Create an FTP Account using DirectAdmin

Navigate to the public_html/wp-content/plugins/ folder

Open the public_html/wp-content/plugins/ folder and locate the plugin(s) you wish to disable.

Select each plugin folder, one at a time and rename them by adding .bk to the end of the folder name.

To re enable them, remove the .bk from the folder name.

Official Wordpress Disable Plugin Documentation

Official Wordpress Plugin Debugging Documentation