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Published on: 03/16/2023 | Updated on: 04/05/2023 | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Enable HTTPS for Wordpress Websites

This article assumes you already have a valid SSL Certificate installed. If you do not have an SSL Certificate, please purchase one here: https://core.evolvewebhosting.com/store/sectigo

For 99% of Wordpress websites, the Sectigo Essential SSL certificate is the best choice.

There are 2 ways to update your Wordpress website to load using HTTPS:

  • via the Wordpress admin area
  • via the database using phpMyAdmin

Using the WP (Wordpress) Admin area is the safest and easiest way to enable HTTPS

Updating Wordpress to use SSL via the Wordpress admin area

  1. Login to your Wordpress admin area

  2. Navigate to Settings > General

  3. Under General, find the Wordpress Address (URL) field

  4. In the Wordpress Address (URL) field, modify it so that it says https://yourdomain.com or https://www.yourdomain.com and save. Replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name.

Updating Wordpress to use SSL via phpMyAdmin

  1. Login to your web hosting control panel (cPanel or DirectAdmin)

  2. Locate the icon for phpMyAdmin (found in the Databases section) and click it (phpMyAdmin opens in a new tab)

  3. From the menu on the left, locate your Wordpress database and click to open it

  4. Locate the wp_options table and click to open it

  5. Under the option_name heading, locate siteurl and click edit

  6. Edit your URL to https://yourdomain.com or https://www.yourdomain.com (add the s after http) and click save. Replace ‘yourdomain.com’ with your actual domain name.

  7. Under the option_name heading of the wp_options table, locate home and then click edit

  8. In the option_value text field, update the URL using https://yourdomain.com or https://www.yourdomain.com (add the s after http) and click save. Replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name.