Backups of your cPanel account are crucial and it is your responsibility to create them. We do make off site backups available on selected dates for a fee to retrieve them.
Here are the steps to create a backup of your account:
Login to cPanel
Locate the Files section and click on Backup
cPanel Files Section
Under the heading Full Backup, choose the option to Download a Full Website Backup
cPanel Backup Screenshot
On the next screen, you will be prompted to choose where to save the backup and if you want to be notified when it has completed. Choose the Home Directory for the Backup Destination and enter your email address to be notified once it’s completed.
Available Download Locations
Home Directory
Remote FTP Server
Remote FTP Server (passive mode transfer)
Secure Copy (SCP)
You can now access the zip file by logging into FTP and looking in the /home/ directory or you can use the functions within cPanel if you need to restore parts of or all of the backup.
Please note that these backups will count toward your overall storage quota so you can either download the backups locally if you wanted to keep more than 1 or 2 days worth or delete the oldest backup after the newest one has been created.
The cPanel Address Importer feature allows you to quickly setup new email accounts if you are manually migrating from elsewhere.
To get started, login to cPanel and locate the Email section shown below.
cPanel Email Section
The next screen is shown below where you are presented with the options to import Email Accounts or Forwarders. If you already know the format to use, proceed here. If not, click on the link to see the example file format.
Configure an email account to send automated emails. This can be useful if you are on vacation or unavailable, or if you have a generic message that you wish to send from a support email address.
Make sure to turn these off when not in use. Sending too many autoresponder emails begins to look like spam to receiving mail servers and could get your IP address blacklisted.
The default language for our servers is English. If you would like to change this, start by logging in to your cpanel account.
Locate the preferences section and click on Change Language
cPanel Preferences Section
From the screen shown below, choose a new language from the dropdown list of options and click Change. You can change this language at any time in the future.
Cron Jobs are very useful for automating many functions of a website such as auto updates, pruning data, using Wordpress cron to publish scheduled posts and much more.
Difficulty Level: Moderate to Advanced
To get started, you’ll need to login to your cPanel account.
Once you are logged in, locate the Advanced section and then click on Cron Jobs
Most software providers will give you a specific cron path. All that you need to do is amend the /home/cpanel-user/proper-directory to point to where your software install is located.