Every server requires software updates from time to time in order to patch bugs and release new features. In DirectAdmin, this is called CustomBuild and updates can be installed through the control panel of your VPS by logging in as the Admin.
Once you are logged in, either scroll down to the Extra Features section to locate the CustomBuild icon or use the search bar and type in CustomBuild and select the link.
DirectAdmin allows you the ability to change your PHP version with a simple click.
If you have multiple domains hosted on a single DirectAdmin account, click on the domain name where you see Domain: yourdomain.com (your domain is a blue hyperlink located near the search field) to toggle between the domains to then manage your site redirects.
DirectAdmin Account Manager Section
For the majority of users, setting the PHP Version is enough and you likely won’t Add New Override. Options for each version and the default settings are listed below. Tweak as needed for your site needs.
In order to access System Information within DirectAdmin, begin by logging in to your DirectAdmin User account.
Within the menu, navigate to System Info and Files > System Information
This page provides you with details of the server your web hosting account is on as well as specifics about your own account.
System Information
Specifies the hostname of the server your account is hosted on. This is also used as the server when configuring any email clients for SSL / TLS connection.
Home Directory
Specifies the directory of the Home Directory path for your DirectAdmin account
Specifies how long the server has been running since the last reboot
Cores Count
Specifies the CPU hardware used on the server
In order to access Site Stastics within DirectAdmin, begin by logging in to your DirectAdmin User account.
Within the menu, navigate to System Info and Files > Site Summary, Statistics, Logs
Domains Statistics
Under the Domain Statistics tab you will find a link to the Usage Log and the Error Log for each of your hosted domains. Click the link to download and view.
Within the menu, navigate to Advanced Features > Create / Restore Backups
The DirectAdmin Search function works very well and makes it very easy to locate the Create / Restore Backups page. Type Backup in the search bar and the link to the Create / Restore Backups page will appear.
DirectAdmin Advanced Features Section
Near the top of your screen, either leave the radio button to include all domains or selected domains. If you choose selected domains a screen will appear where you can select the domain(s) you want to backup.
If you navigate to Extra Features > Webmail:Roundcube while you are logged in to your DirectAdmin User account, you will access the Webmail login page in a new browser tab or window.
Alternatively, you can open your web browser and type in yourdomain.com/roundcube/ to access this same page. Replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name.
You will need to enter your email address and password to access webmail.
The following are links to the information included in the System Information and Files section of the DirectAdmin User Control Panel. Explore each link to further reveal the features and information included.