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WHM Modify an Account

The Modify an Account section of WHM offers a group of features to modify the resources of an active cPanel account. Below is listed the options that can be modified on an individual account basis.

To get started, login to your WHM control panel

Basic Information

  • Primary Domain

  • Username

  • Account Owner

  • Contact Email

  • Default Locale

  • cPanel Theme

  • Enable Apache SpamAssassin™

Resource Limits

  • Package

  • Disk Space Quota (MB)

  • Monthly Bandwidth Limit (MB)

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WHM Backup Configuration

Creating backups of your accounts is an important step in managing your account. WHM gives you the ability to backup any or all accounts on your server to the server or you can use an external service such as Amazon S3. Follow the steps listed here to setup backups for your server.

To get started, login to WHM and navigate to the Backup section and then click on Backup Configuration

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WHM System Reboot

Difficulty Level: Easy

WHM System Reboot Section
WHM System Reboot Section

Graceful Server Reboot

Recommended Method

  1. Login to WHM using the root user credentials

  2. Navigate to Home > System Reboot > Graceful Server Reboot. You can either locate the section shown below or use the search bar to the left of your screen (it may be minimized) and search for Graceful Server Reboot

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WHM Restart SQL Server (MySQL)

Restarting MySQL may need to be done from time to time, for various reasons. Here’s how to restart SQL Services (MySQL)

  1. Login to WHM as the root user

  2. Navigate to Home > Restart Services > SQL Server (MySQL). You can scroll down your screen to find the section shown below or use the search bar off to the left side of your screen (this may be minimized)

WHM Restart Services Section
WHM Restart Services Section
  1. Click Yes and wait a moment for the process to finished. A log will be displayed at the end.

WHM Restart Services Official Documentation

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WHM Add a Package

Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

When you get ready to create individual cPanel user accounts, you need to have a package created to assign them. This package includes quotas for storage, bandwith, email accounts, etc. This article will cover the process.

To get started, login to WHM and locate the section labeled Packages and then click Add a Package

WHM Packages Section
WHM Packages Section

Assign the following options:

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WHM Edit a Package

Difficulty Level: Easy

At times, you may wish to change the quotas for a cPanel package. This can be done within WHM.

To get started, login to WHM and locate the section labeled Packages and then click Edit a Package

WHM Packages Section
WHM Packages Section

On the next screen, you will have the ability to change each line item as desired. The only value that you can not change is the package name.

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