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Disable Wordpress Plugins

Disable Plugins from your WP Admin Area

Start by navigating to your /wp-admin/ area and login through your web browser.

Using the WP admin menu, locate and navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins

On the plugins page, check the boxes next to individual or all plugins and from the drop down menu, choose Disable Selected Plugins

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Password Protect Wordpress Login URL

Adding password protection to your Wordpress Admin Area is a simple step towards boosting Wordpress security and slowing down hackers. Every hacker knows that the standard url for the admin area is wp-login.php or /wp-admin/ and they love to attack it nonstop.

Follow this guide to password protect your Wordpres Admin Area today.

Wordpress Password Authentication

Make a backup of your .htaccess file first before editing it

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Enable HTTPS for Wordpress Websites

This article assumes you already have a valid SSL Certificate installed. If you do not have an SSL Certificate, please purchase one here: https://core.evolvewebhosting.com/store/sectigo

For 99% of Wordpress websites, the Sectigo Essential SSL certificate is the best choice.

There are 2 ways to update your Wordpress website to load using HTTPS:

  • via the Wordpress admin area
  • via the database using phpMyAdmin

Using the WP (Wordpress) Admin area is the safest and easiest way to enable HTTPS

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Change Wordpress Default Admin Username

Wordpress is a great website content management system which also makes it a big target for hackers. One flaw is the use of the admin login name admin. We want to show you how and encourage you to change this over quickly to cut down on hacking attempts.

Change the Name Manually by Adding a New User and Deleting the old Admin User

This method is very easy and anyone can do it right away to have a more secure admin username for a WordPress site. The main logic is to add a new user and assign administrator role, delete the default admin and attribute all content of the old admin to the newly added one.

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How to Wordpress Debugging and Error Troubleshooting

Check Error Logs on Server

If your web hosting plan uses cPanel check the public_html/error_log file by using File Manager or your FTP client. It provides very important error logging to issues you may be experiencing with your website.

If your web hosting plan uses DirectAdmin check the logs by opening your File Manager or connecting via FTP and navigating to domains/your-domain.com/logs (replace your-domain.com with the domain you are having issues with) and review the logs for any errors.

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