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Published on: 02/09/2023 | Updated on: 03/14/2023 | Reading Time: 1 minute

WHM List Parked Domains

Difficulty Level: Easy

A parked domain (or alias) points to the contents of another domain. You may assign multiple domain names to point to your domain with parked domains. For example, a systems administrator parks the cpanel.com domain on the cpanel.net domain. When users enter cpanel.com in a web browser, the system redirects them to the cpanel.net domain.

Using the List Subdomains feature in WHM gives you a quick look at all subdomains on your server. To locate this page, follow these steps:

  1. Login to WHM

  2. Click on Account Information

  3. Click on List Parked Domains

WHM Account Information Section
WHM Account Information Section

If you need any assistance, please submit a ticket for Technical Support

WHM List Parked Domains Official Documentation