Anycast Domain Name DNS Management

Anycast DNS - Fast and reliable DNS management service for any of your domain names and website and email connectivity.

Anycast DNS consists of 64 POPs (Point of Presence) on 6 continents providing global coverage and fast DNS resolution. DNS records are automatically synchronized to every POP (point of presence). All DNS records are easily managed through our easy to use portal and anytime you need Technical Support, we're here to assist you!

How Anycast DNS Works

Unicast Anycast DNS Illustration
  1. Multiple DNS servers are set up across different geographic locations, each having the same IP address
  2. When a user makes a DNS query for a domain name, the query is sent to the nearest DNS server
  3. The DNS server receiving the query then responds with the IP address of the requested domain name
  4. The user’s device then uses this IP address to establish a connection with the server hosting the domain
  5. If the nearest DNS server is unavailable due to any reason, the query is automatically redirected to the next nearest available DNS server

Ready to use Anycast DNS?

The cost of Anycast DNS is $1 per month, paid annually.

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'My IT guy needs to manage my DNS'

We hear this often when working with various companies. The truth is, your IT guy isn't the only one who can handle DNS Records. When you sign up with Evolve Web Hosting, your DNS records can all be managed in our portal and we are always available to assist with any questions and needed updates.